Rescued elephants in sanctuary

Meet three elephant best friends


In celebration of Best Friends Day, we're thrilled to share the heartwarming tale of friendship between three rescue elephants, the “Gossip Girls”. 🐘🐘🐘

The Gossip Girls Rescued Elephants

Pictured: Wassana, Pang Dow, and Beautiful Lotus, also known as “The Gossip Girls” (Photo: BLES)  

Meet Wassana, Pang Dow, and Beautiful Lotus – three incredible elephants who have captured our hearts with their unwavering bond and invincible spirit. Rescued from lives of cruelty and exploitation, these majestic creatures now call Boon Lott's Elephant Sanctuary (BLES) in Thailand their forever home. 

Once victims of the entertainment and illegal logging industries, Wassana, Pang Dow, and Beautiful Lotus endured unimaginable suffering. Chained up, isolated, and forced into labour, their spirits were once broken. 

But fortunately, these girls were rescued by BLES, and together, these three resilient souls found solace and companionship in each other's company. Forming an inseparable trio, they eat, sleep, play, and even communicate with their own private language – earning them the endearing nickname, the “Gossip Girls”. 

Read the full story of the ‘Gossip Girls’ 

Thanks to the unwavering dedication of BLES and generous support by compassionate individuals like you, Wassana, Pang Dow, and Beautiful Lotus now have a safe haven where they can roam freely and live their lives in peace. 

Sadly, there are still thousands of elephants that are living in captivity and forced to entertain tourists day after day. Right now, your generous gift will have 2x the impact to support abused and neglected elephants. Until midnight July 5th, all gifts will be matched up to $40,000 thanks to a generous anonymous donor.  

Your gift will help elephants and aid in our ongoing work to support the transition of elephant riding camps to elephant friendly venues. Together, we can give elephants a better life. 

Match your gift

As we celebrate Best Friends Day, let the “Gossip Girls” inspire us to cherish the bonds of friendship and stand up against cruelty towards all beings. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that all animals are treated with respect. 

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